The One Show – 24th April 2018

This show featured Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall as guest talking about obesity. Possibly more interesting were the medical features where we saw two remarkable gloves designed to help people – one that corrected hand tremors and one that converted sign language to speech!

Matt was in a black jumper, check shirt, and jeans. A reminder that the weather has gone in patches this year as the previous week it had been 29 degrees in London!

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The One Show – 16th April 2018

This was a special on the amount of plastic that gets thrown away – a follow up programme to the show’s ongoing campaign. The guests on the sofa surrounded by junk outside were Chris Packham and Lucy Siegle. We also had government minister Michael Gove on camera from Westminster (such a long way away for him to appear in person…). I won’t make you suffer a picture of him – just imagine Pob instead!

Matt was wearing a black quilted jacket and grey jeans

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Countryfile – 15th April 2018

A week of One Shows were lost to the iPlayer format change; after this it gets better and I think I’m only missing one or two more shows…

This Countryfile came from Cumbria and explored the lesser known elements of the region to show it’s not all Lakes and Fells. Matt was on Walney Island off the Furness Peninsula exploring the coastal path, the wildlife, and meeting someone who uses seaweed to develop old-fashioned movie film.

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The One Show – 5th April 2018

Missing the 3rd and 4th of April as I couldn’t download them off iPlayer. This show is the first one I got in the new, higher-quality format (it’s twice the size as a file because they’ve doubled the frames – so may not be bigger pictures but it’s easier to pause on a good shot!)

The guest on this show was Kathleen Turner who has the most fantastic voice and was showing it off in her new cabaret style one-woman show.

Matt was wearing a pink & blue striped shirt (Crew Clothing) and jeans.

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